Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nutrisystem Update: Week 1

One week down on our Nutrisystem diet and we have had great success. The hubby and I took different approaches to our food selections. He chose to only have foods that he thought he would like and order multiple quantities of each of those items. I on the other hand thought it smart to order one of everything and sort out what I liked from what I didn't, so as to be better informed for next month {we are on the Nutrisystem Blogger Program for 4 months}. After one week, we have sorted out a few favorite items, and a few not so loved ones, and lost more than a few pounds already. Here are our stats and what we like/dislike:


Still only 5'1" - guess this diet won't help with my being short LOL

Weight: 201.4 - YES! That is a 5.4 pound loss in one week! This chick is super excited for the next 3 months + 3 weeks!!

Waist: 48" - the inches are still depressing but I KNOW that comes with time and more weight loss so I'm pushing through

Hips: 50" 

Here is a photograph of my favorite Nutrisystem breakfast so far - Banana Nut Muffin & Vanilla Protein Shake: 

For lunch I have really enjoyed the New Chef's Table Entrees such as the Chicken Quesadilla! That is the type of food I would have eaten before Nutrisystem, only in a not-so-healthy form. We have to add certain items to the Nutrisystem foods such as veggies "power fuels" and "smart carbs" which can be a variety of different things. We were provided a planner to write down our weight every day and keep track of the food we are eating as well as a welcome guide with lots of information on how to be successful on Nutrisystem. The planner includes lists to explain what a "smart carb" is as well as "power fuels" so that we can select something different at each meal while still following the plan. VERY helpful with grocery shopping! I love that the planner is in checklist form with the components of each meal already laid out. I simply have to select a food from the category listed at that meal time, write down what I'm eating and check off the boxes to say that I've eaten everything I am supposed to have included. Add in 64ozs of water and a good work out and the results were immediate! After day 1 I had already lost a whole pound. It is very simple and rewarding! 


Weight: 209.6 - total weight loss so far = 5.7lbs

Waist: 43"

Hubby leaves for work long before we all wake up so I haven't gotten a photo of his favorite meal yet, but I will remind him to snap one for our readers. He is much less picky than I am when it comes to food. He seems to like every food he has tried. Although he does prefer the chocolate protein shakes over any other flavor. We both seem to agree that the frozen Chef's Table Entrees are the best tasting on the program however all of the food is enjoyable. 

We both have added a gym routine to our schedule. We alternate nights so someone is always home with the minis. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings are my nights. We spend family time, have dinner {Nutrisystem for us, and home cooked for for the minis}, and then once we tuck them into their beds and say our goodnights, it's off for a workout. Hubby takes Tuesday & Thursday evenings and Saturday morning. Sunday is family day. The Nutrisystem program calls for three 10 minute periods in each day where you do something active to boost your metabolism. Neither of us is quite sure where our daily activity level ranks with our current jobs so we have chosen to work out for anywhere from 30-60 minutes on our given gym night. Just depends what we are up for that day. 

There is a lot more for us to learn about the Nutrisystem program and we look forward to sharing our findings and results next week!

Take control of your life and learn how to lose weight while eating healthy on Nutrisystem. All it takes is one phone call to 1-888-853-4689 or a quick visit to their website.
*Nutrisystem is providing my husband and I with 4 months of free food and support service as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program. In exchange, I will be posting each week with my progress. All thoughts expressed are my own, and my experience using the system may vary from that of other participants.*

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, I can't even come close to commenting on every food, as this diet has 120 choices, but I will tell you what I believe that be standouts (both the good and the bad) and I'll include some of the new supposed "restaurant quality frozen foods" in the list. The good news is that this diet allows you to customize your package and hand pick your food, so you won't be stuck with anything that you can't stand.

    for more information visit ---) http://omario-relations.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-best-tasting-nutrisystem-foods.html


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